L’expertise. À votre service.

L’histoire de PRL a commencé en 1959, lorsque Bob Purves a fondé Robert Purves Limited, à Toronto. En 1979, son fils Rob Purves lui succède à titre de président du conseil d’administration, rôle qu’il occupe encore aujourd’hui. En 2003, Peter Redmond devient associé à part entière et l’entreprise prend le nom de Purves Redmond Limited. Sous sa présidence, PRL a étendu ses activités partout au Canada en offrant des régimes d’avantages sociaux collectifs et des services de planification de la retraite.

Au fil des ans, le pays s’est développé et PRL en a suivi le rythme et est devenu l’une des principales sociétés indépendantes de consultation en assurance et de courtage au Canada.

En activité depuis plus d’un demi-siècle, nous avons collaboré avec des entreprises de tous les principaux secteurs d’activité au Canada – mines, énergie, gestion des déchets, transport, construction, fabrication, vente au détail, etc. – et à des projets internationaux par l’intermédiaire de nos réseaux exclusifs de collaborateurs à l’étranger. Nous nous sommes engagés à offrir le meilleur service qui soit à tous nos clients – entreprises ou particulier, peu importe leur taille – et de continuer à mettre à leur disposition l’expertise qui fait notre renommée depuis des décennies.

  • Professional headshot.

    Peter Redmond

    Executive Chair

    Peter Redmond, Executive Chair

    As Executive Chair of Purves Redmond Limited, Peter guides PRL’s vision and strategic direction. In his role, Peter exemplifies and sets the company’s culture, values and behaviour in addition to providing counsel, direction and support to PRL’s leadership team. Having spent more than 30 years working in the industry, Peter’s primary focus has been on the design and administration of property and casualty insurance programs for mid- to large-size national and multi-national corporations. He has considerable experience with complex risks and global programs. Peter is well regarded in the risk management and insurance community and maintains a strong network of industry decision-makers. He actively leverages this network to the benefit of PRL’s clients.
    head and shoulders shot of Robert Purves

    Robert Purves


    Robert Purves, Chairman

    As one of the founding members of Purves Redmond Limited and Chairman of PRL’s Board of Directors, Robert works collaboratively with PRL’s CEO to foster the Board and company’s culture and work. Robert also ensures the Board maintains focus on what is best for PRL by facilitating leadership and governance among its members. Robert served as the president of PRL’s predecessor firm, Robert Purves Limited, from 1979 to 2003, when Peter Redmond joined the firm as a full partner. Robert has an accounting background with an industry focus on casualty, marine, surety and management liability, and is experienced in alternative risk transfer and claims management. He has sat on the board of many firms and organizations within the insurance industry and the not-for-profit sector.
    head and shoulders shot of Richard Doherty

    Richard Doherty

    President & Chief Executive Officer

    Richard Doherty, President & Chief Executive Officer

    As President and Chief Executive Officer of Purves Redmond Limited, Richard is responsible for developing and executing on PRL’s corporate strategy. In his role, Richard oversees and provides guidance to PRL’s Leadership Team to develop innovative client-centric insurance solutions and further strengthen PRL’s culture through recruiting and developing top talent. With over 25 years of insurance industry experience, including as an insurance buyer as former Head of Risk Management and Insurance at the Greater Toronto Airport Authority, Richard draws on his deep knowledge of the industry and leadership capabilities to further PRL’s growth strategy. Richard holds a Bachelor of Arts from the University of Toronto and an MBA from Queen’s University.

    head and shoulders shot of Adrian Vanelli

    Adrian Vanelli

    Chief Operating Officer

    Adrian Vanelli, Chief Operating Officer

    As COO, Adrian is responsible for overseeing the day-to-day operational and administrative functions of PRL, implementing the business plans set by PRL’s CEO and Board of Directors. Adrian also leads PRL’s strategic initiatives, responsible for developing and executing on PRL’s strategic plan in collaboration with the Board of Directors and Leadership Team. Adrian is focused on identifying key opportunities for further expansion and value creation, including key capital projects, joint ventures, potential mergers & acquisitions, and other strategic partnership opportunities. In addition, Adrian maintains management oversight of PRL’s specialty practice areas, including Surety, Group Benefits, and Private Client businesses. Adrian also advises a portfolio of clients with commodity and construction-related exposures. Prior to joining PRL, Adrian gained experience in corporate finance, strategic planning, and underwriting with large multi-national insurance carriers. Adrian holds the Certified Management Accountant (CMA) and Chartered Professional Accountant (CPA) designations.
    head and shoulder shot of Shani Briffa

    Shani Briffa

    General Counsel | Chief Compliance Officer

    Shani Briffa, General Counsel | Chief Compliance Officer

    As General Counsel and Chief Compliance Officer Shani oversees PRL’s legal, compliance, risk, corporate secretariat and government relations functions. Before joining PRL Shani was the Assistant General Counsel, Chief Compliance Officer and Director of Government Relations at a large international insurance brokerage. Prior to that she was an associate lawyer with an international insurance law firm, where her practice focused on advising insurers and reinsurers on coverage matters, representing them in coverage disputes, and serving as claims monitoring counsel. Shani also sits on the Executive Committee of the Toronto Insurance Council and the Board of the Butterfly Foundation.
    head and shoulders shot of Deborah Laferriere

    Deborah Laferriere

    Principal Broker & National Leader | General Industries

    Deborah Laferriere, Principal Broker & National Leader | General Industries

    As Principal Broker & Chief Compliance Officer, Deborah ensures that PRL and all of its employees comply with regulatory and legal requirements as well as internal policies and corporate bylaws. Deborah is also the National Leader for the General Industries team, managing a number of PRL clients with complex risk management needs. Deborah has more than 30 years of insurance industry experience with large multi-national clients. She is skilled in the design and implementation of risk management programs for organizations in the real estate, banking, professional services, manufacturing, food, beverage and retail sectors. Deborah has many years of experience in assisting clients to better manage their risks through traditional and nontraditional methods including captives and large self-insured retentions.
    Professional headshot.

    Najeeb Sachedina

    EVP | National Leader, Mining & Energy

    Najeeb Sachedina, EVP | National Leader, Mining & Energy

    As National Leader, Najeeb is responsible for day-to-day business direction and management of the Mining & Energy unit across Canada. In this role, Najeeb oversees client service and manages a team of insurance professionals ensuring service expectations are met while fostering a highly functioning team environment. In addition to his managerial functions, Najeeb advises a portfolio of clients with commodity-related exposures. He has over 16 years of experience in the design and implementation of large risk management programs for national and multi-national corporations, managing their risk transfer through traditional and non-traditional methods.
    head and shoulders shot of David Brosbell

    David Brosbell

    Business Development Leader | Mining & Energy

    David Brosbell, Business Development Leader | Mining & Energy

    As National Business Development Leader, David plays a crucial role in attracting and fostering client relationships, driving growth for PRL, and providing guidance to the Mining & Energy team across the country. With over 18 years’ experience, David brings a wealth of industry knowledge and a level of sophistication to operating mines and development projects in Canada and around the Globe. He expertly executes insurance placements and leads negotiations among stakeholders; engaging key team members with specific skills to best serve each client. David is committed to providing exceptional service coupled with unique and creative solutions to solve client needs using insurance and bonding tools.
    head and shoulders shot of Brad Wells

    Bradley Wells

    National Leader | Transportation, Waste & Recycling

    Bradley Wells, National Leader | Transportation, Waste & Recycling

    As National Leader, Bradley is responsible for day-to-day business direction and management of the Transportation, Waste and Recycling unit across Canada. In addition, Bradley is PRL’s internal counsel and provides expertise on policy wording and coverage interpretation. Bradley and his team provide technical product expertise to the other PRL Business Units and PRL clients. Bradley manages a team of insurance professionals and is responsible for client service in specialty areas and for a number of select clients. Before attending law school, Bradley spent 10 years as an insurance broker at PRL and other firms, largely specializing in commercial lines and large insurance program placements. The beginning of his legal practice involved both Insurance Coverage work and general Corporate Litigation until 2010 when he narrowed his practice to focus solely on Insurance Coverage work. In 2017, Bradley returned to Purves Redmond Limited where he provides his extensive expertise and experience to clients.
    head and shoulders shot of Laura Gallo

    Laura Gallo

    National Leader | Operations

    Laura Gallo, National Leader | Operations

    As National Leader of Operations, Laura is responsible for ensuring PRL delivers a seamless and consistent customer experience and develop operational efficiencies across all our offices and business units. In her role, Laura is focused on optimizing the use of technology, processes, and best practices to ensure client service expectations are met and exceeded. Laura also has leadership over PRL’s Private Client group, overseeing client service and driving new growth opportunities within her team. In addition, Laura leads PRL’s insurer relationships, including contracts — working with insurer partners to stay up to date on emerging products and services, and generating new ideas to better serve clients. With over 24 years of experience in the Canadian Property & Casualty Insurance industry, Laura draws on her comprehensive background to advise and develop insurance solutions for her clients unique and complex needs.
    Head and shoulder shot of Henry Toby

    Henry Toby

    National Leader | Group Benefits & Retirement Services

    Henry Toby, National Leader | Group Benefits & Retirement Services

    As National Leader, Henry is responsible for the day-to-day business direction and management of the Employee Benefits and Retirement practice.  In this capacity, Henry oversees a team of talented technical professionals who are focused on delivering customized program design and exceptional service to PRL’s clients. With over 30 years of client consulting and organizational leadership experience, Henry’s detailed understanding of employer and employee needs coupled with his extensive industry knowledge and expertise ensures that PRL clients are well supported when delivering on their Human Resources strategies.
    Head and shoulder shot of Mark Johnstone

    Mark Johnstone

    National Leader | Risk Management

    Mark Johnstone, National Leader | Risk Management

    As the National Risk Management Leader at PRL, Mark collaborates closely with client executives and service teams to craft and implement robust risk management strategies and insurance programs for existing and prospective clients. With a decade-long tenure in global insurance leadership, Mark brings invaluable expertise in operational oversight, project placement, loss control, claims management, captive and broker management, and more. His extensive background includes designing and administering insurance programs for domestic and global clients in the mining and power sectors, along with prior experience underwriting for construction/engineering and manufacturing industries. Mark serves as a senior liaison to the risk management community, leveraging his wealth of industry knowledge to deliver tailored solutions for clients' diverse needs.
  • Notre succès, nous le devons à l’excellence constante et au professionnalisme de nos services-conseils et à la relation de confiance que nous avons établie avec nos clients, les assureurs et nos pairs.

    Nous sommes fiers de figurer parmi les plus importantes sociétés de courtage et de consultation en assurance, et d’offrir à nos clients des services à valeur ajoutée.

    Notre personnel et notre culture

    Nous attirons des experts du secteur de l’assurance qui mettent tout en œuvre pour offrir de la valeur et des services pratiques à chacun de nos clients.

    Notre modèle de service

    Nous offrons des services adaptés à vos besoins et n’avons pas peur de mettre notre engagement à votre égard par écrit. Notre entente en matière de niveau de service indique ce à quoi vous pouvez vous attendre afin que vous puissiez ensuite évaluer les services que vous recevez.

    Notre structure de coûts

    Nous gérons nos coûts de manière à pouvoir demeurer compétitifs pour les entreprises de toutes tailles et à éviter les coûts indirects ou les pressions financières. Notre modèle de tarification est fondé sur la transparence, et nous choisissons l’expert en assurance en fonction des besoins de chaque client.

    Notre capital social

    Nous sommes une entreprise privée, constituée en vertu des lois provinciales. Puisque notre entreprise ne compte aucun actionnaire du secteur public, nous pouvons prendre des décisions rapidement sans influence extérieure. Notre capital social est structuré de manière à nous permettre de prendre des décisions dans l’intérêt supérieur de nos clients.


  • Orientation client

    Nous mettons tout en œuvre pour comprendre vos besoins d’affaires, personnels et financiers, et pour vous procurer des services qui y répondent.

    Excellence du service

    Notre objectif est de vous servir et de vous conseiller en temps opportun.


    Nous sommes fiers de tout ce que nous faisons, et cette fierté se reflète dans la qualité de notre travail depuis plus d’un demi-siècle.


    La croissance de notre entreprise nous tient à cœur, et nous vous aidons avec autant d’ardeur à faire croître la vôtre.


    Nous prouvons notre intégrité en expliquant avec transparence et honnêteté chacune des facettes de notre travail.


    Nous comprenons qu’en travaillant ensemble, nos courtiers, conseillers et partenaires maximisent leurs capacités intellectuelles.


  • Valorisation du rendement

    Nous récompensons l’ardeur au travail de nos employés par des promotions internes et une participation aux bénéfices.


    Nous donnons à nos dirigeants chevronnés la possibilité de posséder une part du capital social de l’entreprise.


    Nous maintenons un milieu de travail équitable et sécuritaire.


    Nous reconnaissons l’importance de l’équilibre travail-vie personnelle.

    Développement personnel

    Nous favorisons l’épanouissement de nos employés grâce à la formation et au mentorat.


  • PRL est commit à rendre le meilleur niveau de service à ses clients, n’importe leur taille—et a l’intention de continuer d’offrir les entreprises canadienne et les individus avec la même expertise et niveau de service qui est devenu représenter l’entreprise pour des décennies. Nous embauchons les individus qui travaillent dur et qui illustrent notre valeur du groupe et qui sont engagé au succès de l’organisation.

    PRL cherche toujours les professionnels talentueux pour joindre notre équipe grandissante. Envoyez-nous votre lettre de présentation et votre CV à careers@purvesredmond.com et dites-nous comment vous pouvez faire une impacte.