Keeping your business running means protecting your physical assets and revenue streams. Property insurance covers not only the buildings, stock and equipment you own, it can also pay for the loss of profit or rental income your business suffers in the unfortunate event of a covered loss.
We learn about your business so we can identify—and quantify—your company's potential risk exposures. We evaluate your physical assets and business interruption exposure, then design the most cost-effective insurance program.
Property coverages can include:
- All-Risk Property Insurance
- Course of Construction (Builders’ Risk)
- Business Interruption/Delay in Start-Up/Lost Rental Income
- Boiler & Machinery/Equipment Breakdown
- Political Risk
- Terrorism Risk
- Mobile/Contractors’ Equipment
- Cargo/Marine
Companies of any size and industry need protection from third-party claims and lawsuits for bodily injury, property damage and other liabilities.
Generally, liability policies are designed to defend your organization against these third-party claims if the claim falls within the scope of coverage. If so, the coverage provided can include legal defence costs, amounts payable in settlement or monetary damages awarded at trial up to the limit of liability. We analyze your company’s risks and develop an insurance program that provides the coverage and limits you need.
Liability policies can include the following coverages:
- Bodily Injury/Property Damage Liability
- Personal Injury and Advertising Injury Liability
- Abuse Liability
- Tenant’s Legal Liability
- Non-Owned Automobile Liability
- Product Liability
- Aircraft Liability
- Wrap-Up Liability (Construction Risks)
- Contractual Liability
We are also able to offer Umbrella and Excess Liability for heightened liability limits if needed.