Surety bonds provide guarantees for contracts and other financial obligations. These can replace existing bank letters of credit or insurance products, which helps to free up credit capacity at a more competitive cost.
With over 50 years of experience in surety, and as a founding member of the Surety Association of Canada, we’re experts in this field and are committed to finding innovative solutions for our clients. Our surety practice focuses on protecting your business, leveraging your balance sheet and managing your capital risk.
We represent all of the major sureties and will match your company with a surety provider that can grow and adapt over the course of the relationship to make sure your company has the proper protection in place.
We can provide expertise on all types of surety bonds, including:
- Fiduciary/Estate bonds
- Construction bonds
- Service contract bonds
- Reclamation bonds
- Developer bonds
- Commercial bonds
- Miscellaneous bonds